Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Rainy Day Fun

1. Crafts
Make macaroni necklaces/art
Use Foam shapes to make pictures
Sandwich paper bag puppets & do a show
Egg carton Bugs (
Macaroni Frame ( )
Make an umbrella picture using baking cups and pipe cleaners. A fun rainy day craft.
2. Make cookies
3. Playdough
4. Coloring

Outdoor Fun

Besides the swimming, playing on the beach, are some fun ideas to do outside.

-Red Rover
-Mr. Wolf (similar to tag, but the deer call out, "Mr. Wolf, what time is it?" and then he answers a time 4 o'clock and they are able to take 4 steps...similar to red light/green light?)
-WATER BALLOONS--always a favorite for the kids AND adults

Activities & Olympics

Mom and Dad would like to have an OLYMPICS!!

Post your ideas:

3-legged races
Running an obstacle course
Painting a picture in 3 minutes
Decorate a cake in 10 minutes or less
Flag making contest
Relay races: Events include cartwheeling, the wheelbarrow, crab walking, skipping and hopping, kicking a soccer ball through a goal, etc

For toddlers especially: Have a gymnastics competition that is geared towards them...touching their toes, hop across the lawn, etc.